DIY Aerogarden 7 Reflector Power - Grow Light Booster
We received an Aerogarden 7 for Christmas. We are very excited to try gardening indoors, and we are hoping that this will be a jump on healthier living. Here's what it looks like on their website: Here's how it looks now. We have set it up just a couple day ago, and I saw the Youtube video Grow Light Boosters Time Lapse: So, I decided to make one with what I had. I cut open an oversized cardboard box. I cut a slit for the lamp power cord. Sized it to make sure it wrapped around only three sides. I ate a bag of chips with the family. For science. of course. I cut open the bag, cleaned it and used it for reflector material. I taped the bag, along with some aluminum foil to the box while taking care to make sure it folded up around the Aerogarden. Here it is, all set up. Wish us luck, please. I am hoping to get a bounty of herbs: basil, dill, cilantro, chives, parsley, thyme and mint.